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Fourteenth Meeting of the Heads of the National Security Authorities of the South East European Countries (SEENSA)Sofia, 17 October 2024
The Fourteenth Meeting of the Heads of the South East European National Security Authorities (SEENSA) was held on 17 October 2024 in Sofia. It was organized by the State Commission on Information Security (the National Security Authority) of the Republic of Bulgaria, with the support of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC). The meeting was attended by delegations of Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Bulgaria, Greece, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia and Slovenia, as well as by a representative of the RCC.
The focus of the meeting was put on the current activities of the participating National Security Authorities, as well as on their plans for further successful handling of the existing challenges in their everyday work. Subject of discussion also were the forms of further cooperation among the National Security Authorities and the future of the SEENSA initiative aimed at enhanced regional cooperation in the field of the protection of classified information. |