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The Third Conference of the Heads of the National Security Authorities of the South East European CountriesDurres, 27 -29 May 2013
The Third Conference of the South East European National Security Authorities (SEENSA) took place on 27-29 May 2013 in Durres, Republic of Albania. The conference was attended by the heads and representatives of the National Security Authorities of the Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Bulgaria, Republic of Croatia, Kosovo, Republic of Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Montenegro, Romania, Republic of Slovenia and Republic of Serbia, as well as by the NATO Office of Security Director, Mr. Stephen Smith. The focus of the conference was placed on the reports of the four thematic working groups (TWG) that were established at the previous SEENSA conference held in May 2012 in the Republic of Slovenia, as well as on their future activities until the next SEENSA conference to be held in May 2014 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. |