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Bilateral meetings at the margins of the Second SEENSA ConferenceBrdo, May 2012
Within the Second Conference of the South East European National Security Authorities (SEENSA), held on 7-9 May 2012 in the Republic of Slovenia, the delegation of the Directorate for Security of Classified Information of the Republic of Macedonia had a number of bilateral meetings and exchanged experiences related to the handling and protection of classified information. Furthermore, initiatives were launched for more intensive cooperation with the national security authorities of the Kingdom Great Britain, the Republic of Moldova and Romania. More concrete related activities will follow in the forthcoming period. Concerning the needs of the Directorate for Security of Classified Information related to training and other aspects of the work with classified information, during the bilateral meetings support and concrete assistance in the field of training was offered by the national security authorities of the Republic of Bulgaria and Hungary through application of the EU instruments TAIEX and Twinning projects, through IPA funds and etc. |