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Which is the procedure for issuing a security clearance certificate?
In line with the Law on Classified Information, the persons who work with classified information are required to have a security clearance of an appropriate type and classification level in order to meet the requirements concerning the personnel security for working with classified information. Each state organ needs to prepare a systematization of the positions therein which clearly stipulates for which position a Personnel Security Clearance (PSC) is required and of which classification level. For the persons who apply for a job which requires a PSC, or who already work on such positions, a procedure for issuing a relevant PSC certificate has to be initiated. The Directorate for Security of Classified Information (DSCI) issues two types of security clearances: Personnel Security Clearance (PSC) certificates and Facility Security Clearance certificates (FSC). Security clearance certificates may be issued for handling of national, NATO or EU classified information. The DSCI issues national security clearance certificates up to the highest classification level, TOP SECRET. For NATO and EU classified information, the DSCI issues security clearance certificates up to the classification level SECRET, as agreed in the signed bilateral agreements on cooperation between the Republic of Macedonia and NATO, i.e. the Republic of Macedonia and the EU.
HOW TO GET A SECURITY CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE? In order to receive a security clearance, the person must meet the need-to-know principle, i.e. to have a need to access classified information, and to meet the conditions stipulated in Article 38 of the Law on Classified Information. For the procedure for issuing a security clearance certificate to be initiated it is necessary for the security officer to submit a request for a security clearance certificate to the DSCI.It is mandatory for the request to have the following attachments:
The request submitted to the DSCI by the security officer must contain a clear indication of the type and the classification level of the requested security clearance. For a security clearance certificate of the classification level:
The candidate personally fills in the Security Questionnaire and the Statement, and takes care for all the blanks to be filled in. In case some questions remain unanswered, the Security Questionnaire would be considered insufficient for a procedure for issuing a security clearance certificate to be initiated. It is mandatory for the candidate to sign the Security Questionnaire and the Statement indicating his/her consent the data given in the Security Questionnaire to be checked. In case the Security Questionnaire and the Statement are not signed, there will be no conditions for initiating the procedure for issuing a security clearance. In case a person participates in an activity (seminar, course, meeting, etc.) outside the Republic of Macedonia for which a security clearance is required, upon a request by the competent authority, the DSCI will issue a certificate of the NATO or EU Personnel Security Clearance for the employees of that organ. The request for a certificate must indicate the date or the period during which the activity would take place and its title. A photocopy of a valid passport must be attached to the request. A certificate of the security clearance is issued on the basis of a previously issued original security clearance. The classification level of the certificate is the same as the one of the original. The certificate of the national security clearance is handed over to the holder of the security clearance and the original remains at the DSCI and the organ where the candidate is employed. |