Cyber Security related TAIEX Workshop

Skopje, 20-21 April 2017


On 20-21 April 2017 at Hotel Arka in Skopje, with the support of of the European Commission TAIEX instrument, the Directorate for Security of Classified Information organized the workshop on the “NSA role in the process of establishing and operational work of CIRT (Cyber Incident Response Team)”. The workshop was attended by approximately 50 participants, including representatives of the DSCI and the state organs from the Republic of Macedonia which have competencies or participate in the work of the national CIRT.
Guest speakers at the workshop were the representatives of the CIRT authorities of Croatia, Czech Republic and Finlad and a representative of the EU Council General Secretariat, as well as representatives of the Macedonian CIRT (MKD-CIRT).