Skopje, December 2008
Throughout 2008, representatives of the Directorate for Security of Classified Information actively participated in the realization of a number of activities for the implementation of national strategies and inter-institutional projects.
Such activities are the ones related to the:
- National Intelligence Database (through participation in the Steering Board in the political part, and through participation of experts in the drafting of the legal framework and providing IT standards and solutions in the professional part of the project);
- Integrated Border Management;
- National Strategy on Information Society;
- Commission for determining the eligibility for electronic signature within the project on issuing electronic certificates;
- Interconnection and use of the registries and the databases among the state organs and institutions;
- Establishing procedures for exchange of classified information in the Action Plan for cooperation with the Europol;
- Visa facilitation project;
- and in other projects requiring the expertise of the Directorate.