Participation in EU integration training series (Twinning Project MK 10 IPA OT 02 04)

Skopje, September-October 2016


Within the Twinning Project MK 10 IPA OT 02 04 “Further Strengthening of the Organizational and Institutional Capacities for the EU Integration Process”, representatives of the Directorate for Security of Classified Information participated in a training series related to the EU integration. According to the Secretariat of European Affairs’ plan and organization, the training series was carried out by experts coming from Croatia, Poland and Germany, as well as from the Secretariat of European Affairs and the Legislative Secretariat from Macedonia.
The aim of the training series was further strengthening of the organizational and institutional capacities for the EU integration process, including reinforcement of the analytical capacities and establishing quality in the preparation of the legislation according to the EU standards. As a result, the training series was intended for civil servants participating in the preparation of the legislation and its harmonization with the EU regulation, for members of the NPAA working groups and for the representatives of the European integration departments, i.e. for persons who are directly or indirectly involved in the European integration process.